

有毒链接会严重损坏它们指向的页面。此外,由于它们经常以不自然的方式获得,因此它们不支持 SEO 过程。什么是有毒链接以及如何删除它们?继续阅读以了解更多信息。



因为它们会对您的网站可见性以及所进行的 SEO 活动的有效性产生负面影响。

他们在 SEO 方面有多重要?

将它们放在您的链接配置文件中会显着降低整个过程的有效性,并减少您在 SERP 中的位置。




根据许多可用的定义,有毒链接可以定义为导致链接站点位置减少或不产生增长的 URL。谷歌还将该术语定义为:

任何旨在操纵 PageRank 或网站在 Google 搜索结果中的排名的链接都可能被视为链接方案的一部分,并且违反了 Google 的网站管理员指南。这包括任何操纵指向您网站的链接或从您的网站传出链接的行为。–developers.google.com/search/docs/advanced/guidelines/link-schemes?hl=en










有毒链接来自不自然或不相关的来源,Google 将所有想要操纵 PangeRank 的链接视为有毒链接。2022 年 7 月,Google 链接垃圾邮件更新对许多具有此类链接的网站进行了验证。删除它们是值得的,这样 Google 就不会受到处罚。


Katarzyna Śliwa
场外 SEO 专家


不用担心!有可能摆脱它们。尽管网站可能有负面元素,但您可以通过正确的修改充分利用其 SEO 潜力。





值得跟踪新的搜索引擎算法更新,例如 Google Link Spam Update。它旨在识别有毒链接并忽略它们,而不会对垃圾邮件站点施加惩罚。



  • 几个具有不同域的相同网站链接到同一个网站,
  • 大量垃圾评论,包含对搜索引擎来说是危险信号的链接,
  • Unmoderated forums and blogs that are a source of low-quality links,
  • Malicious domains and software that can refer to a site, informing the search engine about a possible threat,
  • Links from a domain added to the Disavow file by several users,
  • Linking from a domain penalized by Google,
  • Follow and nofollow links of suspicious proportion,
  • Directories that cite multiple domains,
  • Excessive link density on the page with the link,
  • Lack of an SSL certificate, which guarantees the credibility of the linking domain.

All of the situations mentioned above, and many others, can be seen by the search engine as threats, spam, and harmful practices.

尝试使用 Delante 建立链接

Therefore, it’s crucial to appropriately balance the number of backlinks mentioned above in order not to be penalized by Google.

Tools That Come in Handy

The process of finding and analyzing toxic links is extremely difficult and challenging. Due to constant changes in search engines, this analysis isn’t a one-time activity, but cyclical monitoring.

Observing a domain’s visibility and toxic links isn’t an entirely reliable solution. Sometimes following such a path can lead you to the wrong conclusions.

It’s worth supporting your observations with SEO tools that will help you check a site’s links and allow you to evaluate its conditions. The most popular of these are:

  • Google Search Console
  • Ahrefs
  • Majestic

Google Search Console is a free tool that gives you the opportunity to check your backlinks. This is done using the “Backlinks” tab and the “Export backlinks” option. After selecting it, you can download all links in a format of your choice.


The paid Ahrefs tool allows you to export all links since you started tracking a particular website using the “Backlinks” tab. The tab is displayed after you select the analyzed site. Semrush is another paid tool that also helps you monitor the status of links.


You can also export links using the Majestic tool. Just click backlinks, enter the domain you need to export, and select the option: Export Data.

Monitoring and analyzing toxic backlinks can be problematic and challenging. Few people can afford to devote huge resources to comprehensive monitoring by SEO specialists and webmasters.

If you see that a page with a backlink to your site is spammy, or you notice weird, suspicious websites linking to your domain, there are two ways of solving the problem.

One of them is to send an appropriate link delete request to the moderator or administrator of the suspicious site.

Google Disavow tool is another way to remove toxic links. With its help, you can remove unwanted links.

Disavow allows you to upload a file with specific domains or links that, once submitted, will be invisible to search engine algorithms. The file should be prepared in a text sheet with the extension “.txt”.


It’s worth concentrating on link analysis and conducting it at least once a year, as toxic links can do more harm than good. If you notice decreases in your website visibility and traffic, it’s time to perform a link building audit.

The fight against toxic links should start with realizing the risks associated with them, regardless of your good intentions.

Monitoring the links and domains you use during the SEO process should minimize the probability of having toxic links leading to your website. Be aware that you’ll have to sacrifice certain things for the sake of achieving great results in the future and improving your positions in the SERPs.

Don’t forget about available tools that can streamline your everyday work in numerous SEO aspects.

如果您的网站知名度或排名在最近几个月有所下降,并且您从未进行过反向链接分析,那么是时候开始着手了!如果您在 SEO 方面需要任何帮助,请联系我们!我们很乐意帮助您提高网站的地位。

请记住,不值得创建垃圾链接,因为它们会对您的网站和 SEO 产生负面影响!

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